Wednesday, October 17, 2007

DPS Wasteing Money Over Tapes

The Texas State Department of Public Safety, or DPS, is refusing to give up videotapes of goings-on in a back hallway of the State Capitol building during a legislative session. Attorney General Greg Abbott rejected the DPS’ argument, which was it is a matter of state security. The Department of Public Safety is using the taxpayer’s money by paying $165,000 in legal fees so far to fight the disclosure of the videotapes. A Texas Observer filed an open records request for the copies of the tape to better understand a legislative battle over a bill to enact a pilot school voucher program. The Observer wanted to see if James Leininger, who is an advocate for school vouchers, was in the back hallway lobbying and, if he was then to see whom he met with. This is just basic freedom of press and our Department of Public Safety is wasting our money over a useless videotape. Since the DPS is covering this tape up, it really makes you wonder what did happen on the tape that they want to keep so secret. In the court filings the DPS has claimed that the videotapes contain “critical, sensitive information” about the details of Capitol security. After that statement, it is hard to not think something happened that the DPS wants to cover up and is okay with spending the taxpayer’s money to do so.

For the link to this article, just click the title.

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