Monday, September 24, 2007

"Law of Parties" to be ABOLISHED

We talked about this in class and since I heard about it, well it just got on my nerves. As the article is titled on the Austin American Statesman website, "He was the Wheelman, not the Triggerman," the Law of Parties, which Texas is the only state that has this law, needs to be abolished. If you are with someone and do not have any association with the crime, you do not need to be punished to death. Thankfully on August 30th this year, Governor Rick Perry appealed the case against Kenneth Foster, but this law needs to be abolished all together. Foster claims he had no idea that the murder was going to happen, but even if he knew or not, it should not mean death, maybe life in prison, which in my mind is worth than death.

Click the title of the article for the link.

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