Friday, December 14, 2007

Comment to "Sex in the Suburbs"

I agree with my texas, these people did nothing wrong, other than piss off the wrong neighbors. Amendment 4 of the Bill of Rights says “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches..” doesn’t that amendment mention something about being secure in your home. These people should not be harassed by the police for no more than noise complaints or parking in private property. There are many other laws being broken at the same time that are worse than group sex, maybe the police should concentrate on those more serious crimes. When the complainers said they should make a place of business elsewhere, I liked my texas’ reaction, “Last time I checked there wasn’t any place where you could pay to be in a sex group.” This was a well-done article and made me realize what some police are doing to waste there time, other than getting the real criminals.